Steven Mark Olschwanger Heart Healthy Diet

Heart is the most important organ in our body. When our heart is healthy our life is healthy. What we eat not only eat the other parts of the body but also heart. It is important to eat healthy foods that are good for heart.  Heart healthy diet includes the foods that prevent and repair damaged cell and also prevents all types of heart diseases. Even if you do cardio exercises what you eat plays an important role, says Steven Mark Olschwanger.

Steven Mark Olschwanger Heart Healthy Diet

Steven Mark Olschwanger Heart Healthy Diet

The fat that is stored in the heart is not visible but it is very harmful. So do concentrate on what you eat and how much you eat. By eating healthy fats and nutritious food you can control heart diseases. Healthy eating can provide even from genetic heart diseases.

Steven Olschwanger lists some foods that are good and bad for heart.

Fruits and vegetables for Heart

Fruits and vegetables are generally good for heart because it contains nutrients and dietary fibers but how we eat those matters.  We can eat low sodium and canned vegetables, fresh as well as frozen vegetables and fruits and packed or canned fruits and juices. The vegetable to avoid is coconut because it is rich in saturated fats which are bad for health. When you avoid fruits and vegetables and consume junk foods it will definitely leads to heart disease.  It is advisable to take fruits and vegetables in each meal.


Some fats are good while some are bad. Good fat protect the heart but bad fats creates several diseases. Monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and omega-3 fats are good for health. Saturated and Trans fat are bad for health.

Foods that contain good fat are avocados, olives, nuts, peanut butter, walnuts, fatty fish, soymilk, tofu, corn oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, olive oil and olives.

Foods that contain bad fats are coconut oil, palm oil, butter, cheese, ice cream, and chicken with skin, beef, lamb and pork, baked foods, candy bars and packaged snacks.


Salt is to be taken limitedly. When it crosses the limit it results in several diseases.  Increased intake of sodium leads to diabetic, blood pressure and heart diseases.

Foods those are good for heart

Oatmeal, salmon, tuna, carrots, sweet potato, oranges, tomatoes, dark chocolate, papaya, tea, asparagus, broccoli, spinach, fiber rich foods like cereals, pasta, wheat bread, egg whites, oatmeal, avocado, nuts, berries, flaxseed, soy, apples and red wine are good for health.

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